Top Bariatric Surgery Solutions in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

bariatric surgery solutions

There will be a rigorous screening process before you get weight loss surgery. Your doctor will evaluate your mental and physical well-being as well as your readiness for long-term lifestyle adjustments.

A nutritional examination will be conducted to examine any dietary inadequacies or unhealthy eating habits. Testing for substance use, disorders, depression, and eating disorders is likely to occur.

Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) is a complex surgery with potential risks and complications. BPD can lead to significant and sustained weight loss, often surpassing other bariatric procedures.
Laparoscopic gastric banding offers a more gradual approach to weight loss, allowing for better adjustment to dietary changes.
Gastric bypass can lead to substantial weight loss and improved body composition. Many patients experience improvements or remission of conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and heart disease.
It’s a mixed type of procedure with 50% to 75% of maintainable weight loss.

Sleeve Gastrectomy 

This is another type of restrictive weight loss surgery, often known as vertical gastric sleeve (VSG) surgery. You can eat less after the procedure because the surgeon eliminates roughly 80% of your stomach.

All that’s left is a banana-sized, thin tube or sleeve that attaches to your intestines.

This operation also reduces appetite by excising a portion of the stomach that produces hormones that stimulate hunger. 

Pros of Sleeve Gastrectomy 

One of the safest procedures for weight loss is a sleeve gastrectomy. Because it’s typically performed laparoscopically—a minimally invasive technique using a tiny camera as a guide—you’ll heal more quickly and with fewer incisions than with some other surgeries.

In two years, you should be able to shed at least 60% of your extra weight. If necessary, you can have a second procedure, such as a gastric bypass, once you’ve lost weight and your health has improved (typically after 12 to 18 months). 

Cons of Sleeve Gastrectomy 

While sleeve gastrectomy is an effective weight loss procedure, there are some potential drawbacks. Firstly, as with any major surgery, there is a risk of infection and complications from the anesthesia.

Secondly, the procedure itself can result in nutrient deficiencies, necessitating lifelong supplementation to ensure your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs.

Thirdly, some patients may experience “dumping syndrome,” which causes unpleasant side effects like nausea and cramping after eating certain foods.

Finally, because sleeve gastrectomy is a permanent procedure, success greatly depends on long-term commitment to healthy eating and exercise.

Lastly, the reduced stomach size may limit the amount and type of food you can comfortably tolerate, necessitating a considerable change in your dietary habits. 

Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy 

For those who are obese, sleeve gastrectomy offers a tempting array of advantages. The biggest benefit is frequently a considerable reduction in weight, often more than is possible with just conventional approaches.

Losing weight has the potential to improve illnesses like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure by causing a cascade of beneficial health improvements.

Additionally, the process lowers ghrelin production, which suppresses appetite and facilitates feeling full after consuming lesser meals.

Compared to other bariatric treatments, sleeve gastrectomy is a less intrusive surgical technique that requires less time to recover from.

Additionally, it eliminates the need to implant foreign things like gastric bands, which may lower the possibility of long-term issues. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that a sleeve gastrectomy is a long term weight loss solution. 

Weight Loss Solutions in Rawalpindi 

Do you live in Rawalpindi and want to lose weight in a way that lasts? There’s nowhere else to look! We provide a range of customized weight loss options to meet your requirements and objectives.

Our staff is here to support you at every stage, from doctor-supervised weight loss regimens and professional nutritional counsel to bariatric surgery solutions discussions with skilled surgeons.

We are dedicated to giving you the resources and information you need to become a healthier, happier version of yourself because we recognize that bariatric surgery solutions is a journey rather than a destination.

Together, let’s change your weight loss efforts in Rawalpindi!


  • Which bariatric surgery is best for weight loss?

Answer: All bariatric surgeries are effective for weight loss with varying degrees of success: Gastric bypass averages 71 percent of excess weight loss at three years. Sleeve gastrectomy averages 66 percent of excess weight loss at three years. 

  • What is the minimum weight for bariatric surgery?

Answer: To be eligible for bariatric surgery, you must be between 16 and 70 years of age (with some exceptions) and morbidly obese (weighing at least 100 pounds over your ideal body weight and having a BMI of 40).

  • Is bariatric surgery better than diet?

Answer: Surgery is the better choice between the keto diet and bariatric surgery because it works. “Patients may lose as much as 60% of excess weight six months after surgery, and 77% of excess weight as early as 12 months after surgery. 


Struggling to loose weight in Rawalpindi? Explore our comprehensive solutions at Slimthetics, from bariatric surgery consultations to doctor-supervised weight loss plans and nutritional guidance. We offer personalized options to help you achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health


Welcome to Slimthetics, where our mission is to assist people in reaching their weight reduction objectives by providing a complete strategy catered to each person’s particular requirements and preferences.

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