Best Gastric Balloon Treatment in Rawalpindi

gastric balloon treatment

A silicone rubber balloon that is smooth, soft, and long-lasting is called a stomach balloon. Its purpose is to decrease the stomach’s capacity so that you can feel satisfied after eating less.

The doctor uses an endoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube, to deliver the deflated balloon via the mouth and into the stomach, providing the best gastric balloon treatment in Rawalpindi. 

The Procedure 

In an endoscopy center, the minimally invasive, outpatient procedure to place the gastric balloon using an endoscope takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

The physician utilizes an endoscope, a flexible, thin, light-equipped camera instrument, to insert the balloon into the stomach.

You are quite comfy and sleepy since you are medicated. After being sedated, you lie on your side and the physician does the operation.

To assist you relax and numb your throat for the endoscope, you will be given medicine. The endoscope, which puts images onto a screen, will be used by your gastroenterologist or endoscopic surgeon to examine your stomach and esophagus first.

They will steer the balloon into position once they are confident that there are no conditions present that could render it unsafe.

Insertion Process 

Your endoscopist will insert a syringe into the balloon using a catheter-attached syringe, then remove the catheter and syringe. The balloon’s valve closes to stop leaks.

Approximately one-third of your stomach is occupied by the filled Orbera balloon. One way it functions is that the fluid sinks to the bottom due to its weight. It lessens the speed at which your stomach empties via the pylorus valve at the bottom.

How long it lasts 

The Orbera balloon is stationary for a period of six months. You will continue to collaborate with your team throughout this period to implement the dietary and lifestyle adjustments necessary to maintain your weight loss over time.

You’ll cut back on your intake, drop some weight, and learn to recognize when you’re satisfied. As needed, you will continue taking anti-nausea and acid-blocking drugs. The first three months are when the most weight is lost.


Approximately 10% of your total weight or 30% of your extra weight can be lost on average while using a gastric balloon.

That’s sufficient to have a rapid and profound effect on your health. You can lose more or less, like with any weight reduction regimen, based on how closely you follow the instructions.

If you discontinue following the regimen after the balloon is taken out, you may also gain back the weight you lost.

One component of a comprehensive weight loss strategy could be the gastric balloon. In addition, your physician could suggest further medical, behavioral, or dietitian care to assist maintain long-term good eating and exercise routines and to help keep you from gaining weight once the balloon is removed.

Requirements to qualify

If you’re seeking for a non-surgical weight loss solution, have health problems related to your weight, and find that diet, exercise, and behavioral modifications aren’t enough to help you lose a considerable amount of weight and keep it off, a gastric balloon may be the solution for you.

You may experience some nausea, vomiting or stomach cramping for a few days after the balloon is placed in your stomach. 


Your doctor will prescribe medications to help with these symptoms, which tend to go away in three to five days. Reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms can be worse after balloon placement but can be improved with a daily antacid medication such as a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). Most people with a gastric balloon do not notice the balloon after about a week. 

Types of gastric balloon 

The process differs due to the variety of gastric balloon solutions available. However, it usually takes 15 to 30 minutes to finish, and sedation, throat spray, or general anesthesia may be used.

A few hours after the treatment, you can go for home. One of our trained dieticians will provide you with individualized nutrition and lifestyle advice during a series of follow-up sessions prior to and throughout the surgery. to assist you in sticking to a nutritious diet and achieving your long-term weight loss goals. 

Gastric Balloon Treatment at Slimthetics At Slimthetics, you will get the ideal gastric balloon treatment. Obesity causes changes in the body that make it more difficult to reduce weight with food and exercise alone.
The expansion of your stomach’s volume is one of those alterations that occurs with time. Your stomach expands to hold more food and delays the feeling of fullness, which encourages you to eat more.
This is the reason why every medical weight-loss procedure limits your stomach’s capacity in some way.


  • What are the benefits of a gastric balloon?

Answer: The balloon fills space in your stomach. It usually fills less than half. This slows the passage of food and liquids. It also helps you feel full, training you and your body to be satisfied with smaller meals.

  • What is the gastric balloon option?

Answer: The balloon is a restrictive weight loss procedure. The balloon occupies space within the stomach, and limits the amount of food your stomach can carry.

It is suitable for patients with a BMI of 30 and over, who either don’t qualify for weight loss surgery, or want a reversible, non-surgical option.

  • Does gastric balloon really work?

Answer: The amount of weight you lose also depends on how much you can change your lifestyle habits, including diet and exercise.

Based on a summary of currently available treatments, loss of about 12% to 40% of body weight is typical during the six months after intragastric balloon placement.


With the intragastric balloon, the majority of patients lose a considerable amount of weight, sufficient to alleviate many of the physical and psychological symptoms associated with obesity.

The typical weight loss of 10% is greater than what most people can accomplish with just lifestyle changes. People may get a realization from this experience that inspires them to keep up or perhaps increase their weight loss. Visit Slimthetics for best gastric balloon treatment in Rawalpindi.


Welcome to Slimthetics, where our mission is to assist people in reaching their weight reduction objectives by providing a complete strategy catered to each person’s particular requirements and preferences.

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